
Vilkårene er dessverre bare tilgjengelig på svensk.


För att skapa en cup måste en myndig person registrera cupen, acceptera att följa villkoren för cupen samt kostnaden.


Administratören på sidan måste det vara en eller flera myndiga person.

Administratören måste ange en korrekt e-postadress eftersom faktureringen kommer att ske via e-post.


Att ha en cupsida hos Cupmate kostar olika beroende på hur många lag man väljer.

Avgiften betalas en gång och betalning sker i förskott. Vid betalsätt faktura är betalningsvillkoret är 10 dagar.

Två veckor efter att cupen är slut arkiveras den och kan inte uppdateras mer utan att man skapar nästa års cup.

Om en cup blir inställd kommer eventuellt inbetalda pengar inte att betalas tillbaka.


Det är endast administratören/administratörerna som kan uppdatera informationen om cupen.

Det är administratörens ansvar att kontrollera att materialet som läggs upp följer svensk lag när det gäller upphovsrätt. Det är förbjudet att publicera olagligt material, dvs sånt som kan vara rasistiskt eller pedofilt. Det är även förbjudet att ha erotiskt, pornografiskt eller annat stötande och kränkande material på cupsidan.

Cupmate har ingen skyldighet att övervaka och granska innehållet på cupen och kan inte hållas ansvariga för ovanstående brott. Cupmate kan dock ta bort material på cupen om det strider mot villkoren. Om brott upptäcks kommer cupens hemsida stängas ner direkt utan återbetalning av eventuellt inbetalda pengar.


Cupmate tar inget ansvar för förlorat material för cupen. Cupmate lämnar inga garantier angående cupsidorna eftersom de kan drabbas av serverfel, driftstörningar och andra oförutsägbara fel. Om någon planerad uppdatering kommer att ske kommer Cupmate informera om detta.

Dessa villkor gäller för all användning av cupsidorna. Villkoren är en överenskommelse mellan Cupmate och administratören. Administratören ska se till att all användning av cupsidan sker med vetskap om dessa villkor.

Dessa allmänna villkor gäller tills att de ändras eller ersätts. Användarna ska regelbundet hålla sig informerade om eventuella ändringar och justeringar. Om en ändring eller ersättning sker kan information kommer Cupmate att informera om detta.

Personal data

Cupmate saves the following personal information when ordering the cup: name of the contact person for the cup, e-mail address of the contact person for the cup, address details.

Cupmate saves your personal information to send invoices, communication with you as a contact email contact, to provide support for the cup, to enable general customer care and customer service.

Cupmate saves the personal information to the contact person for the cup for 24 months after the cup ends.

Personal Data Assistance Agreement

Person Responsible

It is the Cup (organizer) who is Person Responsible for the data of teams, players and referees.

  • Cupmate handles data about teams, players and refrees to the Cup (organizer) safely to comply with data protection legislation.
  • The cup (organizer) is the owner for the data of teams, players and referees and is responsible for its use. The cup (the organizer) must have a register of the personal data being processed.
  • As a personal data controller, it is the duty of the Cup (organizer) to inform teams, players and referees in the event of a violation of personal data.

Data about teams:

  • Contact information to responsible manager (address, telephone, e-mail address)

The data will be deleted automatically 4 weeks after the cup is finished (not e-mail address). The cup (the organizer) can delete the information manually if the team wants/demands it.

Data about players:

  • Personal identification number, contact details (telephone, e-mail address), special diet/allergy information

The data will be deleted automatically 4 weeks after the cup is completed. The name of the player will be saved. The cup (the organizer) can delete the information manually if the player wants/demands it. If the player is stored in statistics, the name of the player will be saved, otherwise the player will be deleted in this case.

If the cup has added its own input fields that are filled in on the player when it is added, that information will also be deleted

Data about referees:

  • Contact details (phone, e-mail address)

The data will be deleted automatically 4 weeks after the cup is finished (not e-mail address). The cup (the organizer) can delete the information manually if the referee wants/demands it.

If the cup has added its own input fields that are filled in on the referee when it is signed up, that information will also be deleted

Personal Data Assistants

Cupmate is Personal Data Assistants for data about teams, players and referees.

  • Cupmate will process the data about teams, players and referees in accordance with the Cup's (organizer's) instructions above
  • Cupmate shall follow the relevant regulatory authorities' councils and directives
  • Cupmate has implemented security measures to protect data from loss and unauthorized processing
  • Cupmate shall notify the Cup (organizer) without undue delay after being aware of an infringement.
  • Cupmate will, for example, when terminating the customer relationship, delete data about the cup, teams, players, and referees from the system, if Cupmate is not required to continue to store this data.

Usage data

Usage data is data generated by the use of Cupmate, and as Cupmate may use to develop and maintain the software and related services. The cup (the organizer) gives Cupmate the right to use all usage data owned by the Cup (organizer).

Usage data is e.g. technical information and traffic data such as the type of operating system, browser type, keyboard language and IP address.

Cupmate only handles usage data for the following purposes, and then supports interest-weighting as the legal basis:

  • Improving software and user experience
  • General marketing and display relevant information
  • Development and testing

Personal data

Usage data is data generated when using Cupmate. When usage data contains personal data, such as an e-mail address or an IP address or information about the cup (organizer) such as Customer name, Cupmate is the person responsible for personal data and shall take security measures to achieve a level of security that is adapted to the risk of the treatment.


Cupmate can use subcontractors. Cupmate will always enter into a personal data contract with subcontractors to fulfill the obligations stated.

If subcontractors are established outside the EU, the parties agree that Cupmate is competent to ensure the legal basis for transferring Personal Data from the EU to the Cup's (organizer) account using appropriate legal mechanisms, such as EU Standard Contract Clauses.
